

17/52 - "Bliss"

Homemade coconut milk!

To, že miluju jídlo o mně ví kde kdo, ale kdo by řekl, že mě bude bavit i to jídlo fotit? :D TO ASI NIKDO JJJJJ. Čekala jsem, že ze svých rádoby kuchařských zázraků vyplodim víc, ale 30ti denní program Whole30 mi nedovoluje nic sladkého, proto vám dortíky a další pochoutky vyfotím někdy příště. Moji favoriti jsou ale kokos a sladké brambory, proto vám dám odkaz i na recepty, okud sem čerpala. Jídlu zdar!

Who knew that one day I would be interested in food photography? I'm up for new challenges, ive read some tutorials, so one day I might post more of these. In better quality i hope. I thought I would bake some pies and cakes, but Whole30 doesnt allow me to. I will post these anyways, link to recipes as well. My absolute favourites are coconut and sweet potatoes! God damn!

Editing: Lightroom 4

Sweet potato and zucchini fritters!

Coconut milk curry chicken (I added sweet potatoes and a bit of ginger)


  1. what is wrong with your cat? it's like the fluffy version of the grumpy cat, adorable :D and the pictures can be tagged as ''foodporn'', it looks very delicous!

  2. mňam, to vypadá úžasně všechno :)

  3. jéžiš, to je úžasné. mňam!
    Zvu vás všechny na mou giveaway o voňavé ceny :-)

  4. It's nice to see you experimenting with different styles of photography. Really nice photos, keep it up:)

  5. Fritters are my favourite!! Great photos!

  6. now I'm hungry. thanks. >.<


  7. Cups Mixed Greens with 1 Cup of Other Veggies, Chopped, Dressed with Aged Balsamic Vinegar
    For your salads, break out of the lettuce-and-tomato box. All types of vegetables - and fruit - can get into your salad. Try diced lovely potatoes, yellow squash, crimson bell peppers, cucumbers, crimson cabbage, crimson onions, and more.And remember that no oil always, even so-called “great” ones, is highly recommended a weight-loss food. Covering your salad with essential oil can tally up as many calorie consumption as a scoop of high quality ice cream.
